/ Knowledge Base /General/ Brand Your Login Page with SureMember Login Styler

Brand Your Login Page with SureMember Login Styler

SureMembers is a powerful tool that allows you to easily customize your login page for your WordPress site, even if you don’t have any login plugins or forms installed. With SureMembers, you can create a professional-looking login page in just a few clicks without any coding or design skills required.

This feature is incredibly useful for businesses and organizations that want to provide a seamless and branded user experience for their customers or members. With a custom login page, you can add your company logo, background images, and other design elements that align with your brand identity.

Overall, SureMembers’ custom login page feature is a great tool for any WordPress site owner who wants to enhance their site’s user experience and brand identity. It’s easy to use, flexible, and highly customizable, making it a must-have tool for anyone looking to create a professional-looking login page in no time.

Step 1: Installation and Activation

To start with, you will need to install the SureMembers plugin to your WordPress site and activate it.

Please note, SureMembers is a premium plugin you can purchase a license and activate the license.

Step 2: Go to the Settings option in the SureMembers

After activating the plugin you will now notice a new option in your WP Admin sidebar called SureMembers. 

Clicking on it will take you to the Access Groups dashboard page. Here you will notice the settings icon on the top right corner. 

By clicking on that icon, you will navigate to the SureMembers settings dashboard. Here, you can see the Login Styler option.

You can then customize your page as you wish. Under ‘Login Styler’, you can see the options for brand colors, Logo settings, login form, and Background Settings. 

  • Brand Colors: You can choose the primary and secondary colors. Also, you can choose the text and link color here.
  • Logo Settings: You can see the toggle buttons here. Enabling the ‘Disable Logo’ toggle button will disable the logo on the login page. Enabling the ‘Custom Logo’ toggle option enables the custom logo to replace the WordPress logo on the login page. For a custom logo, you can adjust the width and height.
  • Login Form: Here, you can see the ‘Enable Transparent Form’ toggle button. You can toggle this option to remove the background color and border from the login form.
  • Background Settings: Here, you can see the ‘Enable Background Image’ toggle button. You can toggle this option to enable/disable background images.

Usually, your login will be linked to the wp-admin or wp-login.php pages. Once you customize the login page, it will look like this:

If you want users to be redirected to a specific page, you can use redirection rules.

Note: If you do not have the SureCart plugin, you can use SureMembers special login page styled to your liking and redirect users accordingly.

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