/ Knowledge Base /General/How to set up Login Restrictions

How to set up Login Restrictions

Login Restrictions is a feature in SureMembers designed to help you better secure your membership content. With this feature, you can prevent login sharing and ensure that only authorized members have access to your valuable content.


  • Enhanced security for your membership content
  • Prevention of unauthorized access
  • Improved user experience for your members
  • Peace of mind knowing that your content is protected

To start using Login Restrictions is very simple.

Step 1: Create a restriction rule

Visit the settings panel inside of SureMembers, and click on the button named Add Login Restriction.

The way Login Restrictions work is, you can create multiple restrictions based on user role each with their own rules and restrictions.

User Roles: Choose the user roles that this restriction will apply to.

Max Concurrent Logins: This is how many devices can be logged into your site at the same time

Login Logic: This is where you choose what happens when a member has hit the max concurrent logins. Your options are to allow or block. Allow will automatically log out the member from another device where they are logged in.

Allow Logouts: With this option enabled, the member will be offered an option to log out everywhere. For example, if they are logged in on their mobile and the desktop, this would log them out everywhere.

Step 2: Customize the text labels

All the text strings that appear for the member when they log in are customizable in our Text Lables settings panel.

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