/ Knowledge Base /Filters/ SureMembers Filters

SureMembers Filters

This is a SureMembers document for developers. Thus, if you want to extend or customize SureMembers, this document contains a list of available filter hooks.

You can refer to this document for more information on using filter hooks.

Language Directory

Provides the default path/languages for .po files. It can be used to update the default directory name.

Parameter: $lang_dir

Edit Access Group

Array of query arguments required to build edit access group link

Parameter: $args

Excluded Roles

Array of user roles to be excluded in the settings page for admin UI restriction. Default value: [‘administrator’ => ‘Administrator]

Parameter: $args

Access Group edit Metadata

$include = include rules saved in Access Groups, $post_data = complete $_POST data while saving accesss group

Parameter: $include, $post_data

Selection Options

Array of selected options in access groups to restrict content

Parameter: $selection_options

Edit Access Group Link

Array of argument to passed to get_posts to retrieve access groups

Parameter: $args

Grant Creation Data

Array of arguments while granting access for the first time

Parameter: $args

Access Status

$response = boolean value whether the current requested operation is same as existing status, $current status = string current status of access ( grant / revoke), $status_to_check = string, status to be applied by the current operation

Parameter: $response, $current_status, $status_to_check

Retrieve Restricted Post Types

Array arguments to be passed to retrieve post types to be restricted by SureMembers

Parameter: $args

Exclude Post Types from SureMembers Restriction

Array of post types to be excluded from SureMembers restriction

Parameter: $args

Get Meta Values

$meta_args = array of meta values as per current content. $q_obj = query object of current content

Parameter: $meta_args, $q_obj

Global Settings

array of all settings data

Parameter: $args

Redirection Post ID

int current post id

Parameter: $post_id

WooCommerce Grant Status

$grant_status = array of status which invokes grant access, $order_id = current WooCommerce order id

Parameter: $grant_status, $order_id

WooCommerce Revoke Status

$revoke_status = array of status which invokes revoke access, $order_id = current WooCommerce order id

Parameter: $revoke_status, $order_id

Woo Subscriptions Grant Status

$grant_status = array of status which invokes grant access, $order_id = current WooCommerce subscription id

Parameter: $grant_status, $subcription_id

Woo Subscriptions Revoke Status

$grant_status = array of status which invokes revoke access, $order_id = current WooCommerce subscription id

Parameter: $revoke_status, $subscription_id

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