How to Monetize a Podcast in 2023: 13 Paths to Revenue

The podcasting landscape has seen a significant surge in popularity over the past few years. As of 2023, the number of podcast listeners worldwide has reached an impressive 464.7 million, and this figure is projected to continue its upward trajectory.

The market size of the podcast industry has also experienced substantial growth, reaching a valuation of $27.3 billion as of 2023.

That number is expected to reach a whopping $233.9 billion by 2032!

These statistics highlight the importance of understanding how to monetize a podcast.

Monetizing your podcast not only provides a revenue stream but also validates the value you’re providing to your audience.

It’s a clear indication that what you’re creating is not only enjoyed but also valued enough that people are willing to invest in it.

But how do you monetize a podcast?

There are several ways to earn money from podcasting. And we’ll cover each of them in detail in this post.

Before we get to that though, let’s first run through a few things you need to do before even thinking about monetization.

Pre-Monetization Checklist

Before exploring ways to monetize your podcast, it’s crucial to ensure you have a solid foundation for success.

Here are some key points to consider:

Build a Solid Listener Base

A large and engaged listener base is the cornerstone of podcast monetization. Advertisers, sponsors, and even your listeners themselves will be more willing to invest in your podcast if they see that it has a substantial following.

Create Engaging and Valuable Content

The quality of your content will determine how engaged your audience is and how likely they are to invest in your podcast.

Focus on creating content that is not only engaging but also provides value to your listeners.

Understand Your Audience

Knowing who your audience is and what they want is crucial for successful podcast monetization.

This understanding will allow you to tailor your content and monetization strategies to your audience’s preferences, increasing the likelihood of success.

Consistency is Key

Consistency in releasing episodes helps build an engaged and loyal audience. Regularly releasing new episodes keeps your podcast top of mind for your listeners and can help increase your listener base over time.

Quality Audio

Investing in good quality audio equipment can significantly improve the listener experience. Poor audio quality can be a deterrent for listeners and potential sponsors.

Build a Strong Brand

Your podcast’s brand should be strong and consistent. This includes everything from the podcast’s name, logo, website, and social media presence.

A strong brand can make your podcast more attractive to advertisers and can help attract and retain listeners.

13 Ways to Monetize a Podcast

In this section, we’ll explore 13 different ways you can monetize your podcast.

Here’s what we’ll be covering:

  1. Sell your own products or services
  2. Donations and crowdfunding
  3. Offer premium content
  4. Sponsorships
  5. Affiliate marketing
  6. Sell merchandise
  7. Paid advertising
  8. Host paid webinars or online courses
  9. Podcast networks
  10. License content
  11. Live shows
  12. YouTube monetization
  13. Collaborate with other podcasters

Each method has its own set of advantages and considerations, so it’s important to choose the ones that align best with your podcast’s content, audience, and overall goals.

1. Sell Your Own Products or Services

One of the most direct ways to monetize your podcast is by selling your own products or services.

This could be anything from physical merchandise like t-shirts and mugs to digital products like eBooks or online courses.

If you’re a coach or consultant, your podcast can also serve as a platform to attract potential clients.

Selling your own products or services can greatly impact your podcast earnings as you get to keep the majority of the profits. Plus, it allows you to have full control over your revenue stream.

One way to do this is by providing premium podcast access to paid members only.

This could be in the form of bonus episodes, ad-free content, or early access to new episodes.

WordPress makes for a powerful website building platform.

When coupled with SureMembers and SureCart, you have an easy solution for setting up a paid subscription or paid-access model for podcast episodes.


The GaryVee Audio Experience, hosted by the multifaceted entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk, is a prime example of a podcast that has effectively monetized through the sale of its own products.

gary vee audio experience

Vaynerchuk, who wears many hats as a CEO, investor, content creator, and public speaker, offers his listeners a diverse mix of content.

The podcast features episodes of the #AskGaryVee show, keynote speeches on marketing and business, interviews, and fireside chats.

Vaynerchuk has leveraged his large and engaged audience to sell a variety of products.

From books that delve into his business insights and strategies, to merchandise that allows fans to sport the GaryVee brand, and even wine from his family’s own winery, Vaynerchuk has turned his podcast into a platform for diverse revenue streams.

The key to this successful monetization strategy is the strong connection between the products and the podcast content.

Vaynerchuk’s books, for instance, delve deeper into the business and marketing strategies he discusses on his podcast.

His merchandise allows fans to express their connection to the GaryVee community.

The wine, a nod to Vaynerchuk’s start in his family’s wine business and his continued involvement in the industry, adds a personal touch.

2. Donations and Crowdfunding

Another way to monetize your podcast is through donations and crowdfunding. This method involves asking your audience to financially support your podcast.

It’s a great option if you have a dedicated audience that values the content you create.

Platforms like SureCart can be used to accept any amount of payment and recurring payments. Your listeners can choose how much they want to donate, and how often.


Crowdfunding platforms like Patreon and Kickstarter are also popular options as they allow you to offer rewards in exchange for financial support.

Rewards could be anything from shoutouts on your podcast to exclusive merchandise.

A successful example of a podcast using crowdfunding is the Lore podcast. It uses Patreon to offer bonus content to listeners.

lore podcast

Successful crowdfunding requires that you create a strong emotional connection with your audience.

Make sure to communicate the value your podcast brings and how their support can help you continue to create and improve your content.

3. Offer Premium Content

Offering premium content is another effective way to monetize your podcast. This strategy involves creating exclusive content that is only accessible to paying subscribers.

This content could be anything from ad-free episodes, bonus episodes, early access to new episodes, or even exclusive interviews.

The key is to provide value that your audience is willing to pay for.

One of the platforms that allow podcasters to offer premium content is Apple Podcasts Subscriptions. Podcasters can set their own pricing and offer a variety of benefits to their subscribers.

apple podcast subscriptions

This platform provides a seamless experience for listeners as they can subscribe, listen, and manage their subscriptions directly within the Apple Podcasts app.

Now, a great example of a podcast that offers premium content is The Tim Ferriss Show.

Tim Ferriss offers a variety of premium content to his subscribers, including ad-free episodes, early access to new episodes, and exclusive Q&As.

tim ferris show

Another way to offer premium content is by building a membership site.

One platform that can help you do this is SureMembers. SureMembers allows you to create a membership site where you can host your premium content.

We’ll show you how to create a membership website with a step-by-step guide in a little while. But for now, onto the next monetization method.

4. Sponsorships

Sponsorships are a prevalent and potent method for podcast monetization. This strategy involves a company or individual sponsoring a single episode or a series of episodes.

In return, the sponsor gets a mention or an advertisement during the podcast episode.

These advertisements can be pre-roll (at the start), mid-roll (in the middle), or post-roll (at the end).

The key to securing sponsorships is to cultivate a dedicated and engaged audience that aligns with the sponsor’s target demographic.

A prime example of a podcast that frequently features sponsorships is The Daily by The New York Times. They seamlessly weave their sponsors into their episodes, providing a smooth transition into the sponsored content.

the daily podcast

This approach not only generates revenue for the podcast but also offers valuable exposure for the sponsors.

But how do you attract sponsors to your podcast?

Here are some tips:

  • Understand your niche: To make your podcast stand out, research your competitors and identify what sets your show apart. Listen to other podcasts in your industry, take note of popular trends, and learn from them. If they incorporate host-read advertisements, pay attention to how they seamlessly blend them into their show. Also consider the placement of ads and see if you can apply similar strategies to your own show.
  • Grow your audience: To attract sponsors and secure their support, it’s important to consider the size of your audience. If your audience is still small, you can use platforms such as Spotify for Podcasters (formerly, Anchor) to make it easier to find sponsors.
spotify for podcasters
  • Professional presentation: To attract a sponsor, it’s important to create a professional podcast. You can do this by conducting quality checks such as ensuring your recordings are clear and free from interference. Additionally, it’s important to use the best quality recording equipment within your budget and fact-check any information you present, unless it’s strictly based on your personal opinion. Remember, first impressions are important!
  • Learn to pitch: You need to pitch your podcast to potential sponsors. Keep your pitch email short, succinct, and professional. Begin by setting out who you are and why you’re contacting the company about a potential partnership. Pitch your show in one or two sentences.If your audience numbers are impressive, make sure to showcase them. If they’re not, explain why you are contacting this specific company and why you think a partnership would be mutually beneficial. Describe how the company could benefit from working with you.
  • Choose the right sponsors: When selecting sponsors, make sure they match your brand’s and values. Additionally, ensure that the products or services you’re sponsoring provide value to your target audience.

Be careful while choosing sponsors for your podcast. Having inappropriate sponsors can be more harmful than having no sponsors at all. Some listeners may dislike ads during podcasts, which could result in losing audience engagement.

Even so, with the right approach and the right sponsors, you can successfully monetize your podcast while providing value to your audience and your sponsors.

In the end, sponsorships can help you turn your podcast business into a scalable, profitable venture in the long run.

They are a key part of the podcast monetization platform landscape and a crucial strategy for anyone wondering how to monetize a podcast.

5. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a powerful strategy for monetizing your podcast. This method involves promoting a product or service during your podcast episodes and earning a commission for any sales made through your unique affiliate link.

The beauty of affiliate marketing is that it allows you to earn passive income from your podcast episodes long after they’ve been published.

There are numerous affiliate programs available that cater to a wide range of industries. This means that no matter what your podcast’s niche is, there’s likely an affiliate program that aligns with your content and audience.

Here are a few examples:

  1. Amazon Associates: As one of the largest online retailers, Amazon has an affiliate program that allows you to earn up to 10% in referral fees for each product sold through your affiliate link. This program is particularly beneficial if you regularly recommend products to your listeners.
  2. Fiverr: Fiverr is a global online marketplace offering tasks and services, beginning at a cost of $5 per job performed. As a Fiverr affiliate, you can earn up to $150 for each first-time buyer or up to $1,000 for each Fiverr Pro order.
  3. ExpressVPN: With online privacy being a hot topic, promoting a trusted VPN service like ExpressVPN can be a great fit for many podcasts. Affiliates can earn up to $36 for every sale made through their affiliate links.
  4. Redbubble: If your podcast has a loyal following, selling merchandise through Redbubble can be a smart way to monetize. You can create your own range of branded items, from t-shirts to mugs, and earn a 10% commission on sales.
  5. Skillshare: Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes in design, business, tech, and more. As a Skillshare affiliate, you can earn 40% for every new customer that signs up for a Premium Membership or a free trial.

The key to successful affiliate marketing is to promote products that are relevant to your content and useful to your audience.

This will ensure your promotions don’t feel forced and that your audience is more likely to make purchases through your affiliate links.

smart passive income

An excellent example of a podcast that utilizes affiliate marketing is Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn.

Pat Flynn is well-known for his transparent income reports and his success with affiliate marketing.

He often shares his favorite tools and resources with his listeners and provides them with his affiliate links. This not only helps his audience but also generates revenue for his podcast.

6. Selling Merchandise

Selling merchandise is a fun and creative way to monetize your podcast.

It involves creating and selling products that are related to your podcast, such as t-shirts, mugs, stickers, and more.

This not only provides an additional income stream but also helps to promote your podcast and build a community around your brand.

There are several platforms available that make it easy to create and sell merchandise, such as Teespring. They handle everything from production to shipping, allowing you to focus on creating great content for your podcast.

An excellent example of a podcast that has successfully monetized through merchandise is Welcome to Night Vale.

welcome to night vale podcast

They have a dedicated store where fans can purchase a variety of merchandise, from t-shirts to books, further deepening their connection with the show.

welcome to night vale store

7. Paid Advertisements

Paid advertisements are a traditional yet effective way to monetize a podcast.

Unlike sponsorships, which involve promoting a sponsor’s product or service, paid advertisements are more general and can promote a variety of products or services.

These ads can be placed at the beginning, middle, or end of your podcast, and can be a reliable source of consistent revenue.

According to a study by Edison Research, 54% of podcast consumers say that they are more likely to consider the brands they hear advertised on podcasts.

This statistic highlights the potential of paid advertisements as a podcast revenue model.

There are several platforms available that connect podcasters with advertisers. These platforms simplify the process of finding and managing advertisements for your podcast.

Here are a few examples:

SXM Media
  • SXM Media: This platform boasts a diverse range of podcasts and advertisers. They claim to offer the highest revenue share in the industry, making it an attractive option for podcasters looking to monetize their content.
  • Art19: Art19 provides tools for hosting, distribution, and monetization. Their ad-serving technology allows for targeted ads, which can lead to higher revenue.
  • Megaphone by Spotify: This platform offers podcasters the ability to monetize their content, including their back catalog, with dynamic ad insertion and real-time ad stitching. They also offer the Spotify Audience Network to supplement direct sales.

An example of a podcast that utilizes paid advertisements effectively is The Bill Simmons Podcast.

bill simmons podcast

While specific details about their monetization strategy are not publicly available, a Reddit discussion estimates that with 250 million downloads per year, the podcast could be generating significant revenue from advertisements.

When monetizing your podcast through paid advertisements, you’ll need to ensure that the ads are relevant and valuable to your audience.

Irrelevant ads can lead to audience drop-off, so it’s important to choose your advertisers wisely.

8. Host Paid Webinars or Online Courses

Hosting paid webinars or online courses is another way to monetize your podcast.

This strategy involves leveraging your expertise and the trust that you’ve built with your audience to sell educational content.

You can create your own course website using WordPress and SureMembers. The process is similar to setting up a membership site, but instead of uploading premium content, you’ll be creating and uploading course materials.

This could be video lessons, worksheets, quizzes, and any other resources that would benefit your students.

Another option is to host your courses on platforms like Udemy and Skillshare. These platforms handle the hosting, payment processing, and customer support, allowing you to focus on creating high-quality content.

A great example of a podcaster who has successfully monetized their podcast through online courses is Lewis Howes with The School of Greatness.

school of greatness

Lewis Howes offers a variety of online courses on topics like social media marketing, podcasting, and personal branding.

His courses are hosted on his own website built with WordPress.

9. Podcast Networks

Joining a podcast network is another effective way to monetize your podcast. A podcast network is a collection of podcasts that are produced, distributed, or both by a single entity.

Networks can offer a variety of benefits, including increased visibility, access to resources, and potential revenue opportunities.

When you join a podcast network, your show becomes part of a larger group of podcasts. This can help increase your visibility as the network may promote your show alongside its other programs.

Likewise, being part of a network can provide you with resources such as production assistance, marketing support, and more.

Most podcast networks operate on a revenue-sharing model. The network will sell advertising space on your show and you’ll receive a portion of the revenue.

The specific terms of this arrangement can vary from network to network so it’s important to understand the details before joining.

Joining a podcast network can offer several benefits, including:

  1. Increased visibility: Being part of a network can help your show reach a larger audience. Networks often promote their shows on each other’s programs, which can help you gain new listeners.
  2. Access to resources: Networks often provide their podcasters with resources such as production and marketing support. This can be especially beneficial for new or smaller podcasts that may not have these resources on their own.
  3. Revenue opportunities: Most networks operate on a revenue-sharing model which can provide you with an additional source of income.

One example of a podcast network is Radiotopia. Radiotopia is a network of independent, listener-supported, artist-owned podcasts. They offer a wide range of shows and have a strong community of both listeners and creators.


Another example is Wondery, a network known for its immersive podcasts. They’ve produced several hit shows and offer a variety of resources for their podcasters.


10. License Content

Licensing your podcast content is another way to generate revenue. This involves granting a third party the rights to use your content in exchange for payment.

When you license your podcast content, you’re giving someone else the right to use your content in a specific way.

This could involve allowing a radio station to broadcast your episodes, a streaming service to include your show in their library, or a company to use a clip from your show in an advertisement.

The terms of the license agreement will specify how the licensee can use your content, how long they can use it, and how much they’ll pay you for the rights.

There are several platforms where you can license your podcast content:

  1. Radio stations: Some radio stations may be interested in broadcasting your podcast episodes. This can provide you with a new audience and a source of revenue.
  2. Streaming services: Services like Spotify and Apple Podcasts may be interested in exclusive rights to your show. This can provide a significant source of income, but it may limit your audience to subscribers of that service.
  3. Advertising agencies: Companies may be interested in using clips from your show in their advertisements. This can provide a source of income and potentially increase your visibility.
  4. Music licensing platforms: Platforms like Marmoset offer music licensing services for podcasts. These platforms can help you navigate the complexities of music licensing and ensure that you’re in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

An example of a podcast that has successfully licensed its content is Serial.

Serial is a podcast from the creators of This American Life and is one of the most popular podcasts in the world. The show has been licensed for several adaptations, including a television series.

serial podcast

When considering licensing your content, it’s important to understand the terms of the agreement and ensure that you’re comfortable with how your content will be used.

It’s also a good idea to consult with a lawyer to ensure that your interests are protected.

11. Live Shows

Live shows offer a thrilling opportunity for podcast monetization.

This strategy involves hosting live events where podcast episodes are recorded in front of an audience, fostering a unique and interactive experience.

Revenue can be generated through various channels such as ticket sales, selling merchandise, and obtaining sponsorships for the event.

The organization of a live show demands meticulous planning and execution. A suitable venue that can house your audience and provide necessary facilities is essential.

Promotion is vital to ensure a substantial turnout, and platforms like Eventbrite or Meetup can be utilized to manage ticket sales and promotion.

The logistics of a live show can be intricate. Considerations include the equipment required for a live podcast event, such as a high-quality microphone to minimize background noise, a robust PA sound system for audience audibility, and podcast recording software.

Depending on the software used, a podcast hosting provider may also be necessary.

There are two primary formats for a live podcast show: a podcast recording show and an adapted podcast for live performance.

A podcast recording show is essentially a live recording of your podcast in front of an audience. This format is more straightforward to achieve as it doesn’t necessitate a significant change in your approach.

An adapted podcast for live performance is a pre-produced show that fosters a collaborative experience between you and your audience. This format demands a larger budget and detailed planning.

When planning the structure of your live podcast event, consider what your audience appreciates about your podcast.

Reading online reviews from your audio shows and conducting some social listening can provide a sense of what they enjoy about it.

This will offer valuable insight into what to include in your show.

A live podcast show presents numerous opportunities for monetization. Sponsorship is the most apparent. If you’re exploring ways to boost your podcast’s funding, a live show could be highly beneficial.

A live podcast event is akin to any other event.

You can sell tickets, offer advertising opportunities for your sponsors, and sell merchandise. Collaborating with booking agencies and corporate sponsors will assist in creating a memorable and profitable show for both you and your audience.

A prime example of a podcast that has successfully monetized through live shows is My Favorite Murder.

Hosts Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark have conducted international tours, performing live shows to sold-out audiences.

my favorite murder podcast

Their unique fusion of true crime and comedy has struck a chord with listeners, making their live shows a resounding success.

They have adeptly transitioned their podcast into a live event, crafting an interactive, informative, and thrilling event for their fans.

While live shows can demand a lot of work, the payoff can be substantial. They provide a unique avenue to engage with your listeners, create a distinctive experience, and generate additional revenue for your podcast.

12. YouTube Monetization

YouTube offers another avenue for podcast monetization.

By uploading your podcast episodes to YouTube, you can take advantage of the platform’s monetization features, such as ad revenue and channel memberships.

To effectively use YouTube for podcasting, you’ll need to optimize your videos for the platform.

This includes creating engaging thumbnails, using SEO-friendly titles and descriptions, and promoting your videos to your existing audience.

A good example of a podcast that has successfully utilized YouTube for monetization is Psychobabble hosted by YouTube creator Tyler Oakley and his best friend, Korey Kuhl.

psychobabble podcast

The podcast releases new episodes every week that are around 30 minutes long. The hosts chat about pop culture, current events, and other common topics that friends might discuss.

Their close friendship creates a relaxed and enjoyable listening experience for each episode.

This podcast demonstrates how YouTube can be an effective platform for reaching a wider audience and generating revenue.

Now, let’s move on to our last method of podcast monetization.

13. Collaborate With Other Podcasters

Collaborating with other podcasters can be an effective strategy for podcast monetization. It’s a way to cross-promote your content, reach new audiences, and provide more value to your listeners.

Podcast collaborations can take various forms. You might guest on another podcaster’s show, have them guest on yours, or even create a joint episode or series together.

The key is to collaborate with podcasters whose content aligns with yours and who share a similar audience.

For example, if you run a podcast about entrepreneurship, you might collaborate with another podcaster who focuses on startup funding.

Your audiences are likely to overlap, and both podcasts can benefit from the shared exposure.

There are several benefits to podcast collaborations:

  1. Audience expansion: By appearing on another podcaster’s show (or having them on yours), you can reach a new group of listeners who might not have discovered your podcast.
  2. Content variety: Collaborations can bring new perspectives and topics to your podcast, keeping your content fresh and engaging.
  3. Networking: Collaborating with other podcasters can help you build relationships within the podcasting community. These connections can lead to further opportunities down the line.
  4. Shared promotion: When you collaborate with another podcaster, both of you have an incentive to promote the episode to your respective audiences. This can significantly increase the episode’s reach.
  5. Learning opportunities: Working with other podcasters can provide valuable learning experiences. You can gain insights into their podcasting techniques, promotional strategies, and more.

One example of a successful podcast collaboration is between The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders and other podcasts in the productivity niche.

Jeff Sanders often appears as a guest on other podcasts, and in return, he invites those hosts to his show.

5am miracle podcast

This strategy has been effective in growing his audience and providing diverse content to his listeners.

Another example is the collaboration between The Minimalists Podcast and The Rich Roll Podcast. Both podcasts share similar themes around wellness and intentional living.

rich roll podcast

By appearing on each other’s shows, they were able to provide valuable content to their listeners while expanding their respective audiences.

Remember, collaboration is a two-way street. You should be prepared to offer as much value to your collaborator as you hope to receive from them.

This might involve promoting their podcast on your platform, sharing their content with your audience, or offering unique insights during your guest appearance on their podcast.

How to Create a Membership Site to Monetize Your Podcast

You can use WordPress as the foundation of your site. After selecting a hosting provider and domain name, install WordPress. Then, install and activate a theme of your choice.

install wordpress theme

1. Create Content

Create the content that you want to offer to your members. This could be blog posts, videos, eBooks, or any other type of content.

But for our purposes, it’ll likely be podcast episodes.

Organize your content in a way that makes it easy for members to find what they’re looking for.

2. Install the SureMembers Plugin

This is the membership plugin that will allow you to create a membership site on your WordPress website.

To get it, you’ll need to go to the SureMembers website, click Get Started, then select the pricing plan that works for you.

Fill in the form and make the purchase. Then check your email to access the plugin .zip file and license key.

In WordPress, you’ll need to upload this plugin by going to Plugins > Add New then click Upload Plugin. Click Choose file then select the SureMembers .zip.

upload suremembers

Then click Install Now > Activate.

From there, you’ll need to add your license key. Click SureMembers in the dashboard then click Unlicensed at the top right corner.

Then just paste in the license key you received in your email confirmation and click Activate License.

activate SureMembers license

3 Create Membership Levels

With SureMembers, you can create different membership levels called Access Groups.

For example, you could have a “Basic” membership level and a “Premium” membership level, each with different access to content and different pricing.

To do this, go to SureMembers > Add New.

From there, you can give your Access Group a name, select which content should be protected in this membership level, then click Save Access Group when you’re done.

add membership levels

4. Set up SureCart on Your Website

This will involve configuring your payment gateway and setting up your products. To begin, you’ll need to install the SureCart plugin.

In your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New > Upload Plugin, type in SureCart.

Once you locate it, click Install Now > Activate.

From here, you can configure SureCart settings by going to SureCart > Get Started then click Set Up My Store on the next page.

set up surecart

Fill in the form, pick your preferred plan, then click through the setup process and skip picking a payment processor for now.

Copy the API key, go back to WordPress and paste it in when prompted.

sure cart api key

Next, go to SureCart > Settings and click through the options provided to customize the design and branding of your shop.

Then click Processors to set up how you’ll accept payments for your premium podcast content.

surecart payment processors

5. Connect SureMembers to SureCart

This will allow you to link your membership levels to your products in SureCart, enabling members to pay for their membership.

To do this, go to SureCart > Products > Add New, and create a product for each membership level.

add new surecart product

Give it a price then click Integration > Add New Integration. Then in the dropdown menu, click SureMembers and then select the corresponding Access Group.

integrating surecart with suremembers

When you’re done making modifications, click Save Product.

Repeat this step for all membership levels.

6. Create Checkout Forms and Pages

These are the pages where your members will be able to purchase their membership.

To create a checkout form page, go to SureCart > Forms > Add New.

create checkout page in surecart

Give your form a name, select the product it’s associated with, and then publish it. Make sure it’s in Test mode for the moment.

Then create checkout pages for each of your products.

To do this, go to Pages > Add New. Give your page a title then click the + sign to add a new block. Search for “Checkout” to find the checkout form block and insert it.

In the dropdown that appears, select the checkout form you created in the previous step.

Test mode checkout page

Make sure it’s in Test mode then publish the page.

7. Link Checkout Pages to Membership Levels

Go back to your membership levels in SureMembers and update the Button URL to the URL of the corresponding checkout page, as follows:

add button url

Then click Save Access Group.

8. Test Your Work

Conduct final tests to ensure everything is working correctly. Test the entire process from signing up for a membership to accessing the premium content.

Then finish making customizations like setting up thank you pages, customizing the user dashboard, or setting up a smart menu.

If you want to follow along with a visual version of these instructions, check out this video tutorial on the subject:

Podcast Branding and Marketing

Branding and marketing are crucial aspects of podcast monetization. While the topic is robust enough to warrant its own article, we’ll just mention a few points for now.

A catchy podcast cover and an effective website can significantly boost your podcast’s visibility and appeal.

It’s often the first thing potential listeners see.

It should be eye-catching and succinctly convey what your podcast is about. Make sure it stands out from the crowd and clearly communicates the theme of your podcast.

An effective website is another crucial aspect of podcast branding and marketing. Your website is where potential listeners can learn more about your podcast, listen to episodes, and engage with your content.

It’s also a place where you can showcase your brand, sell merchandise, and attract potential sponsors.

To assist with creating an effective website, you can use WordPress themes like Astra and its podcast website templates.

These tools offer a range of customizable website templates that are perfect for podcasters.

Starter templates

Which Path Will You Take to Podcast Monetization?

Understanding how to monetize a podcast is crucial for turning your passion into a profitable venture.

From sponsorships and advertising to merchandise sales, crowdfunding, and more, there are numerous ways to generate revenue from your podcast.

Remember, the key to successful podcast monetization is understanding your audience and delivering valuable content. Whether you’re sharing expert insights, entertaining stories, or helpful tips, providing value should always be your top priority.

As you explore these options, remember that podcasting is not just about making money. It’s about sharing your passion, connecting with your audience, and creating content that matters.

Finally, don’t forget to check out SureMembers, a platform that can help you monetize your podcast through membership subscriptions.

With SureMembers, you can create a membership site for your podcast, offering exclusive content, early access to episodes, and more to your paying members.

Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, we may receive a small commission. Read disclosure. Rest assured that we only recommend products that we have personally used and believe will add value to our readers. Thanks for your support!

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