How to monetize a website: 24 smart ways boost revenue

So, you’ve got a website and that’s brilliant. But now you’re probably asking yourself, “How can I monetize it? How can I turn it into somewhere I can get paid?”

Sound about right?

Well, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to dive deep into the world of website monetization, exploring 24 smart ways to boost your site’s earnings.

So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s get started.

What does it mean to monetize a website?

To monetize a website – it’s a phrase that sounds complex, doesn’t it? But in reality, it’s pretty straightforward. Monetization is the process of converting your website traffic into cold, hard cash.

It’s about finding ways to get paid from your digital real estate, whether it’s through ads, affiliate marketing, online courses, or an eCommerce store.

Let’s face it, whether your website is a side hustle or a full-time gig, it’s nice to earn from the time, effort, and resources you’ve poured into it.

A website that earns its keep helps you offset running costs, provide additional income, or even turn into a thriving online business!

Understanding your audience and website

Now, before we dive headfirst into these 24 earning strategies, there’s an essential step we need to tackle – understanding your audience and website.

It’s easy to think you can slap a few ads or affiliate links on your site, but it’s not that simple.

Think of your website as a restaurant. Before you decide on the menu, you first need to understand who your customers are and what they want.

Are they foodies, craving gourmet dishes? Or are they busy families looking for a quick, delicious meal?

Understanding your audience will guide what you offer and how you present it.

The same concept applies to your website.

If your site is full of in-depth tech reviews, then tech-related affiliate products or ads would be a good fit.

If your site provides online fitness training, selling related courses or equipment might make more sense.

But what if your website doesn’t lend itself well to traditional monetization methods? What if your site is a tool or a calculator, without much content for Google ads to latch onto?

Or maybe there are no affiliate products that align with your site’s purpose?

In these situations, it might be worth considering offering premium, paid plans. It’s a strategy that works well for many tool-based sites.

The bottom line is that understanding your audience and your site is crucial. It informs your monetization strategies and helps ensure you provide value to your audience while also earning a profit.

It’s a delicate balance, but once you nail it, you’re on the road to monetization success.

You’ve waited long enough. Let’s dig into those 24 ways you can monetize your site and get paid, shall we?

Here’s what we’ll be covering:

  1. Affiliate marketing
  2. Google AdSense
  3. Direct ad sales
  4. Sponsored posts
  5. Memberships
  6. Online courses
  7. Influencer marketing
  8. Selling digital products
  9. Ebooks
  10. Selling physical products
  11. Licensing digital products
  12. Donations
  13. Coaching or consultation services
  14. Webinars
  15. Podcasting
  16. YouTube channel
  17. Swag shop
  18. Dropshipping
  19. Premium email content
  20. Monetize your media gallery
  21. Print on demand products
  22. Create a job board
  23. Create a paid directory
  24. Offer access to a paid forum

Now, let’s dive into the earning strategies.

24 Easiest ways to monetize a website

1. Affiliate marketing: Joining the right program

Affiliate marketing is a classic method to monetize a website and start earning. It’s like recommending your favorite book to a friend, but in this case, you get a commission when someone purchases through your referral link.

But here’s the catch – not all affiliate programs are created equal.

Some offer higher commissions than others. Some have products that align better with your audience. And some have strict rules you need to adhere to.

It’s about finding the right affiliate program for your site.

For example, the Amazon Affiliate Program is a great starting point for many. They have a vast range of products and a reputable brand, but their commission rates are relatively low.

Amazon Associates

On the other hand, there are niche-specific affiliate programs, like the Bluehost affiliate program. You get paid a flat $65 for each referral that signs up for their web hosting services.

Bluehost affiliate program

Now, imagine you run a tech or blogging advice site and manage to refer just five people per month. That’s a tidy $325 per month!

Of course, there’s always our own program. The SureMembers’ affiliate program offers generous commissions for referrals.

If your audience is interested in building and monetizing membership sites, this could be a lucrative option for you to start earning.

suremembers affiliate program

We offer a generous 25% commission. That means you’ll get $75 each time someone signs up for the Agency Plan using your link.

The possibilities are truly vast in affiliate marketing, and the examples above are just the tip of the iceberg.

But remember, it’s not just about picking the program with the highest commissions. Relevance, trust, and consistent, high-quality content are key to success.

2. Google AdSense: Turning traffic into profit

Another great way to monetize your site is through Google AdSense. It allows you to display ads on your site and earn money whenever a visitor clicks on an ad.

It’s a great option if you’ve got decent traffic, but your audience isn’t necessarily interested in specific products or services.

Setting up Google AdSense on your site is relatively easy, but like everything else, there are some nuances you need to be aware of.

google adsense

Google AdSense operates on a revenue per impressions (RPM) model, which means you get paid for the number of times your ad is displayed.

However, how much you earn per impression depends on factors like the type of ads.

According to SEO Chatter, AdSense pays out $.008-$.020 per view. This translates into a wide range of $.20-$15 per click.

This is a huge range, yes, and your actual earnings will depend on your website’s niche and the demographics of your visitors.

For instance, ads in sectors like finance, insurance, or legal services tend to have higher CPCs.

Let’s say your website attracts 10,000 visitors per month. Even with a modest click-through rate (CTR) of 1% and an average CPC of $0.60, you could earn $60 per month.

Not exactly a fortune, but as your traffic grows, so too will your potential earnings from AdSense.

You can use the AdSense Revenue Calculator to get an estimate of the monetization potential of your website.

google adsense calculator

Alright, with Google AdSense under your belt, let’s move onto our next method of monetization.

3. Direct ad sales: Cutting out the middleman

When we think of advertising on a website, we often think of automated systems like Google AdSense.

But there’s another option that gives you a bit more control and potentially higher profits — direct ad sales.

Here, you’re directly selling advertising space on your website to businesses interested in reaching your audience. It’s a bit like leasing out billboards only, you’re dealing with a digital highway rather than a physical one.

With direct ad sales, you cut out the middleman (like Google), which means you get to keep all the ad revenue.

The best part? You can negotiate rates, ad placement, and duration directly with advertisers.

But there’s a catch. Direct ad sales require more effort and involvement.

You need to create a media kit, set your rates, identify potential advertisers, pitch them, and then manage the ads on your site.

The earnings you can receive from direct ad sales can vary significantly based on your site’s niche, your audience size, and the interest from advertisers.

According to a report by BuySellAds, you could charge anywhere from $0.10 to $10 per CPM (cost per thousand impressions), depending on your website’s quality and audience.

For example, if you charge $2 CPM and your site attracts 100,000 page views per month, you could earn $200.

That’s potentially more than what you might earn from Google AdSense, but keep in mind the extra effort and time it requires.

4. Sponsored posts

Have you ever read a blog post that was a detailed review of a product or service, or perhaps a roundup of “the best” something?

There’s a good chance that it was a sponsored post. Or, at least, it might’ve been.

Sponsored posts are a great way to monetize your site by featuring products or services from other companies. It’s a way to market that’s more natural and less aggressive than displaying ads.

They’re a bit like a native ad that blends into your website’s content.

Here’s how it works: a company pays you to create a post that features their product or service. This could be structured in many different ways.

Popular choices include:

  • Reviews
  • Tutorials
  • Listicle

But really, a sponsored post could be in any other format that fits your website. The key is to create a post that provides value to readers while showcasing the company’s offering.

The amount you can earn from sponsored posts depends on your site’s audience size, your niche, and the company’s marketing budget.

According to professional blogger Christina Galbato, bloggers either charge a flat fee or a rate based on page views.

In her example, she notes that if you set a $3.00 CPM and your blog receives an average of 100,000 page views per month, you would be charging around $300 for a sponsored post.

But remember, like everything else, these are ballpark figures. The actual rate will vary depending on various factors – including what you’re comfortable with.

Often, website owners will use sponsored posts in conjunction with other monetization methods for maximum probability.

Take The Wayward Home, as an example.

This site earns between $3,000 and $6,000 per month from a combination of sponsored posts, affiliate income, and advertising. A trifecta!

the wayward home blog

One last word of advice: Always disclose sponsored posts to your audience. It’s not just about being transparent and building trust with your readers.

It’s also required by FTC guidelines if you’re in the United States.

The Wayward Home abides by this rule, of course. In this post about deciding between a trump camper and off-road van, there’s a brief note that the post is sponsored just below the table of contents:

the wayward home disclosure

5. Membership website: Create an exclusive club

If you’re regularly producing high-quality content, one great way to earn from it is to create a membership website.

A membership site is a gated part of your online business where only members who subscribe can access the content you’ve placed behind the gates.

You could offer different types of memberships, each providing different levels of access to your content.

For instance, you might have a basic membership that offers access to a few articles or videos a month, and a premium membership that gives access to all your content.

The best thing about a membership model is the recurring revenue.

Once members sign up, they’ll be billed monthly (or annually, depending on your billing cycle) until they cancel.

This can provide a stable, predictable income stream.

Pricing can vary greatly depending on the type of content, the niche, and the audience, but many membership sites charge between $10 and $50 per month.

One great example is The Measured Mom, an educational resource website for parents and homeschoolers.

It offers a lot of free downloads as well as a paid membership where you get access to the full library of premium printables.

measured mom

Creating a membership website can seem complex, but SureMembers makes it easy.

SureMembers is designed for this very purpose, allowing you to create membership levels, manage members, drip-feed content, and collect payments (once integrated with SureCart).

With SureMembers, you can focus on creating great content, while the platform takes care of the technical aspects of running a membership site.

It’s a fantastic tool if you’re considering a membership model.

6. Online courses: Package your knowledge and sell it

While coaching and consulting typically involve one-on-one sessions, creating online courses allows you to reach many more people at once.

If you’re an expert in a particular field or topic, why not package that knowledge into an online course and sell it on your website?

Online courses have become a booming industry, with platforms like Udemy and Coursera showcasing the demand for convenient, self-paced learning.

But you don’t have to rely on these platforms — you can host and sell courses directly from your website.

Just like with selling digital products, your earnings potential here is scalable. Once the course is created, you can sell it to an unlimited number of students.

According to Teachable, many course creators on their platform earn up to $10,000 per month.

And the options are wide-open as to what you can cover. For instance, WPCrafter provides in-depth courses about various WordPress-related subjects.


If you’re into gardening, you can find tons of courses about that as well like The Cutting Garden, which offers instruction all about how to grow a garden for creating bouquets.

the cutting garden

If you’re thinking about creating online courses, don’t forget about SureMembers.

SureMembers is a powerful WordPress membership plugin that makes it easy to sell online course memberships right from your website.


Set up landing pages, manage your students, and drip-feed content. It’s complementary solution that works well with other WordPress plugins, LMS plugins, and eCommerce tools.

Remember that the key to success with online courses, like many of these monetization strategies, lies in providing genuine value.

Your courses should offer practical knowledge and actionable insights that help your students achieve their goals.

7. Influencer marketing: Leverage your social media presence

Your website isn’t the only place you can monetize your online presence. If you have a strong social media following, influencer marketing could be a perfect fit.

In this strategy, you partner with brands to promote their products or services on your social media channels.

With the rise of platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, influencer marketing has become a significant force in the digital advertising landscape.

And it’s not just for celebrities or those with millions of followers.

If you have a loyal and engaged audience, even if it’s relatively small, you can become a micro-influencer.

So, how much can you earn?

That’s the million-dollar question, right?

The earnings can vary significantly based on your follower count, engagement rate, and niche.

According to a helpful calculator provided by Influencer Marketing Hub, an Instagram influencer with 50,000 followers and an 18% engagement rate can earn between $130-$200 per post.

Influencer earning rates

Keep in mind, though, that successful influencer marketing requires trust and authenticity.

Just like with affiliate marketing, it’s crucial to only promote products or services that you genuinely like and that are relevant to your audience.

8. Selling digital products: The power of scalability

If creating and shipping physical products sounds like a lot of work, selling digital products could be your golden ticket.

This could include things like guidebooks, online courses, printable checklists, photography, music, digital art, software, templates — the list goes on.

One of the significant benefits of selling digital products is scalability. Once you’ve created the product, you can sell an unlimited number of copies without worrying about inventory or shipping.

Another advantage is the profit margin.

Because you’re not dealing with physical goods, the cost of creating and distributing digital products is often quite low. This means you can pocket a larger chunk of each sale.

For example, suppose you write a guidebook that you sell for $20.

If it costs you nothing to create (aside from your time), nearly all of that $20 is pure profit. Sell 50 copies a month, and you’re looking at $1,000 in revenue.

But remember, the key to success in selling digital products is offering real value.

Whether it’s an eBook, an online course, or a piece of software, make sure your product provides a solution to a problem your audience has or enriches their lives in some way.

sure members users

Our very own SureMembers offers a good example of this.

The website relies on WordPress to sell a robust membership plugin. This digital product is used by over 4,800 businesses and growing, which makes for substantial earning potential.

9. Ebooks: Share your knowledge

Got expertise you’re itching to share with the world? Ebooks could be the way to go.

Yes, we mentioned selling digital products already, but writing and selling ebooks on topics you’re knowledgeable about can be a highly effective way to monetize your website.

Whether you’re a fitness guru, a tech whiz, or a master baker, there’s likely an audience eager to learn from your insights.

The best part is that once your ebook is written, it can provide passive income for years to come.

Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing make it simple to publish your ebook and reach a large audience.

You can also sell your ebook directly from your website to keep a larger portion of the profits.

amazon kindle direct

As for earnings, a successful ebook can bring in anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars a month.

It all depends on the quality of your book, the demand for information on your topic, and your marketing efforts.

10. Selling physical products: Your website, your storefront

If you create physical products – whether it’s handmade jewelry, custom t-shirts, art prints, or anything else – you can turn your website into a digital storefront.

Selling physical products on your website can be a profitable monetization strategy, but it comes with its own set of challenges. You’ll need to handle inventory, shipping, customer service, and possibly even manufacturing.

However, the potential earnings can make it worthwhile.

Here’s an example. Say you create custom-designed t-shirts that you sell for $20 each. After factoring in the cost of materials, shipping, and other expenses, let’s say your profit per t-shirt is $10.

If you manage to sell just five t-shirts per day, that’s $50 per day or $1,500 per month!

Platforms like WooCommerce can make it relatively straightforward to set up an online store on your website.

And don’t forget about marketing – social media, email newsletters, and even SEO can all help drive customers to your online store.

Take the eCommerce store, Cackle Hatchery as an example. This online retailer specializes in poultry and hatchery supplies.

cackle hatchery

The site is built on WordPress and uses WooCommerce with the Storefront theme as a foundation. Over the course of its time online, it’s brought in an estimated $50M to $100M in web sales. Which is pretty incredible.

This website is fairly simple in terms of layout and design but it targets a niche well and delivers what potential customers want.

But if you don’t want to sell physical products, there are still more monetization options available to you.

11. Licensing digital products: Adding a twist to the sales process

Here’s a twist on selling digital products: instead of selling the product itself, you sell a license to use the product.

This model is prevalent in the software industry, where companies sell licenses to use their software rather than the software itself.

The beauty of this strategy is that it allows you to maintain control over your product while potentially creating a recurring revenue stream.

Instead of a one-time purchase, customers pay a fee (often monthly or annually) to continue using the product.

The earnings potential for licensing digital products can be substantial, particularly if you’re offering a high-quality product that people are willing to pay for repeatedly.

Consider Adobe, which transitioned from selling software packages to a subscription-based model with Adobe Creative Cloud.

adobe creative cloud

According to their 2022 Q4 earnings report, their Digital Media segment, which includes Creative Cloud, generated over $3.3 billion in revenue in just one quarter!

But remember, this strategy isn’t just for software. You could license anything from stock photos to music to digital art.

The key is to create a product that customers will find valuable enough to pay a recurring fee for.

12. Accepting donations

Don’t underestimate the power of community support. If you’re offering value to your audience– whether through blog posts, free tools, insightful content, or anything else — there’s a good chance your visitors would be willing to support you.

That’s where donations come into play.

You can set up a donation button on your website and ask your readers to contribute to cover ongoing costs like web hosting, premium themes, plugins, or even your time spent creating the content.

The amount you can earn from donations depends on your audience size, how engaged they are, and how much value they get from your website.

This strategy is especially relevant for open-source product forum websites or projects.

These are typically community-driven, and a donation model allows the community to support the continued development and maintenance of the project.

Platforms like Patreon, Buy Me a Coffee, or even PayPal make it easy to accept donations.

buy me a coffee

To have more control, you can create a website for accepting donations.

A WordPress website paired with SureCart makes setup easy. This plugin has all the necessary features to accept donations in a way that’s integrated well with the content you offer.

Remember, though, that asking for donations should be done tactfully. Emphasize the value you’re providing and how donations will help you continue to provide that value.

13. Coaching or consultation services: Sharing your expertise

Another powerful way to monetize a website is by offering coaching or consultation services.

If you have expertise in a specific area – whether it’s business, health, technology, art, or anything else – you can share that knowledge through one-on-one coaching or consultation sessions.

Coaching or consulting can be incredibly lucrative, especially as you build your reputation and expand your client base.

And the best part? You’re not tied to a physical location.

Thanks to platforms like Zoom or Skype, you can coach or consult with clients from anywhere in the world.

You could also offer one-on-one sessions, group workshops, or even long-term consulting packages.

Setting up a booking calendar on your website using tools like Calendly or Acuity can streamline the process of scheduling consultations.


How much you earn from your services will depend on your expertise, your niche, and the market rates.

But to give you a rough idea, coaches or consultants often charge anywhere from $100 to $500 per hour or more.

Keep in mind, though, that successful coaching or consulting requires more than just expertise. You’ll need excellent communication skills and a knack for helping others to succeed.

14. Webinars: Virtual summits and workshops

Webinars, virtual summits, and workshops are a fantastic way to share your knowledge, engage with your audience, and monetize your website.

A webinar is essentially an online seminar where you can present on a topic, share your screen, and interact with your audience.

You can use webinars in a few different ways to generate income.

You can charge attendees to join the webinar, or you can offer free webinars and then sell a product or service at the end. You could even record your webinars and sell them as on-demand content later.

The earnings potential of webinars depends on several factors, including your audience size, the topic, and how much you charge for attendance.

According to EasyWebinar, the average webinar can earn $500 – $3,000.

It depends on the industry, of course. But not too shabby, right?

15. Podcasting: Turning conversation into cash

Podcasting has exploded in popularity over the past few years, and it’s a great way to connect with your audience in a more personal and engaging way.

But beyond that, podcasting can also be a lucrative monetization method.

You can earn money from a podcast through sponsorships, where companies pay you to mention their product or service in your podcast.

This can be a pre-roll (at the start of the episode), a mid-roll (in the middle), or a post-roll (at the end).

Rates for podcast sponsorships vary, but according to AdvertiseCast, the average rate is about $18 per 1,000 listens for a 30-second ad and about $25 per 1,000 listens for a 60-second ad.

Podcast earnings rates

One well-regarded podcast is provided by The New York Times.

The Daily offers 20-minute episodes that dive into a news-of-the-day subject. Some episodes are free, while others are provided via a subscription model.

the daily

You can also earn money from your podcast through listener donations, premium content (like bonus episodes or ad-free versions), or merchandise sales.

The Daily features ads prominently throughout the website.

Just keep in mind that podcasting requires a significant time investment. You’ll need to plan, record, and edit each episode.

But if you enjoy having conversations and sharing ideas, podcasting can be both fun and profitable.

16. Starting a YouTube channel: Diversifying your content

Expanding your content creation to YouTube can be a game changer.

Creating a YouTube channel allows you to connect with your audience in a different way, enhance your brand’s visibility, and of course, monetize your content.

You can earn money from your YouTube channel through several avenues.

First, there’s the YouTube Partner Program, which allows you to earn money from ads shown on your videos.

According to Influencer Marketing Hub, you can expect to earn about $0.18 per view or around $18 per 1000 views. So if a video of yours gets 100,000 views, you could earn between $180 and $306.

Sponsorships are another way to monetize your YouTube content. Companies might pay you to feature their product in a video or mention them in the video description.

Lastly, YouTube also offers channel memberships and Super Chat features that let your fans directly support your work.

Now, you may wonder: “How does this help me monetize my website?”

Well, by integrating your YouTube channel with your website, you can direct traffic from your videos to your site.

This could lead to more ad clicks, product sales, affiliate purchases, or whatever other monetization methods you’re using on your site.

And it’s all about building your brand in your given niche. Having a YouTube channel just lends further authority to your website.

Take Jade The Libra for example.

She’s a YouTuber who posts videos about Halloween all year. Her channel has membership perks like exclusive videos and emojis and videos include affiliate links to products in the description.

jade the libra

Some videos are sponsored and she sells merchandise on her website as well. As you can see, multiple monetization methods can work together quite well.

So if you’re serious about monetizing your website, adding a YouTube channel to the mix is an option worth exploring.

17. Swag shop: Your brand, your merchandise

For many websites, particularly those with a strong, loyal community, opening a swag shop can be a profitable way to monetize.

A swag shop is essentially an online store where you sell physical products that feature your brand name and/or logo.

These could be anything from t-shirts and hoodies to mugs and stickers. The products serve as a form of advertising, as customers will showcase your brand whenever they use them.

Plus, your fans get a tangible way to show their support and feel more connected to your community.

eCommerce platforms like WooCommerce make it easy to set up an online store. Or, you could use a print-on-demand service like Printful or Printify, which will handle the printing and shipping for you.

The earning potential here will depend on the size of your audience and their level of engagement with your brand.

However, even a small swag shop can provide a nice boost to your overall revenue.

Bonus: If you have a monetized YouTube channel, you can feature your swag underneath each video you post. Just like the channel, Darko Audio does here:

darko audio

18. Dropshipping: Selling products, hassle-free

If you’re looking to sell products on your website but aren’t keen on managing inventory and shipping, dropshipping could be your answer.

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where you sell products without having to keep them in stock.

Instead, when you sell a product, you purchase it from a third-party supplier, who then ships the product directly to your customer.

This business model has several advantages. It’s easy to start, requires less capital than a traditional retail model, and is less risky since you don’t have to buy a large inventory of products up front.

You can create a dropshipping store on platforms like WordPress using a plugin like WooCommerce and Dropshipping for WooCommerce.

You can also use marketplaces like AliExpress to find products for dropshipping.


The potential income from a dropshipping business varies widely. Some store owners make a few hundred dollars a month, while others make thousands or even tens of thousands.

Your earnings will depend on factors like the products you sell, your marketing skills, and the profit margin on your products.

According to Grand View Research, the global dropshipping market is valued at $225.8 billion as of 2022 with it estimated to reach $1.3 trillion by 2030.

The industry is highly competitive, but if you carve out a niche for yourself, it can be worthwhile.

19. Premium email content: Adding value to the inbox

Email is a powerful tool for any online business. But beyond using it for marketing and communication, you can also monetize your email list by offering premium email content.

The idea here is to offer content that’s exclusive to your email subscribers.

This could be a monthly newsletter with in-depth articles, exclusive tips and advice, early access to your products or services, or any other content that your audience would find valuable.

You can charge for access to this premium content on a subscription basis, providing you with a regular income stream. The rate you can charge will depend on the value you’re providing.

Some businesses charge as little as $5 a month, while others charge $50 or more.

Companies like Substack and Revue make it easy to create and monetize email newsletters.

Just remember, to keep subscribers, your premium content needs to offer significant value.


20. Monetize your media gallery

If you’re blessed with a creative flair and your website is teeming with original, high-quality images, why not turn your media gallery into a revenue stream?

Plenty of businesses, bloggers, and creatives are constantly on the hunt for unique images to spruce up their websites, social media posts, and promotional materials.

By selling your images directly from your Media Gallery, you can cater to these needs while earning an income.

Platforms like SmugMug and PhotoShelter can seamlessly integrate with your website, allowing you to create a professional-looking storefront for your images.


You set your prices, and they handle the technicalities of selling and downloading images.

Potential earnings from selling your photos can vary greatly, depending on the quality of your images, the demand for the type of images you create, and how effectively you market your gallery.

Even selling a few images a month can add a nice boost to your income!

21. Sell print on demand products

If you’re a creative soul or even if you’re not but you know how to hire one, selling print on demand products can be an excellent way to monetize your website.

With print on demand, you sell custom-designed products like t-shirts, mugs, posters, and more that are printed and shipped only when a customer makes a purchase.

The beauty of this model is that you don’t have to worry about inventory or shipping.

You simply upload your designs to a platform like Printful, Printify, or Zazzle, and they take care of the rest.


These platforms integrate well with WordPress, so you can create a full-fledged store with products that are printed and shipped as orders come in.

Plus, you can also market your print on demand products through popular online marketplaces like Etsy and eBay.

Earnings will depend on how you price your products, but a general rule of thumb is to aim for a profit margin of at least 30%.

With a good design and the right marketing, print on demand can provide a significant boost to your income.

22. Create a job board

Ever considered turning your website into a hotspot for job seekers and recruiters?

If you’re in a niche where your audience is often on the hunt for new opportunities or employers are searching for skilled talents, setting up a job board can be a lucrative venture.

By establishing a job board on your website, you create a platform where employers pay to post their job listings.

Your visitors get access to exciting opportunities tailored to their interests and skills, while employers reach a targeted group of potential candidates. It’s a win-win situation!

WP job manager

Several tools can make this process simple.

For instance, if your website is powered by WordPress, plugins like WP Job Manager can provide all the functionality you need for a job board.

The key to a successful job board is promotion.

Regularly share the job postings across your social media channels and in your email newsletter to attract both job seekers and employers.

23. Create a paid directory

If you’re looking to add more value to your website while earning extra bucks, creating a paid directory could be a smart move.

Whether your site caters to local businesses, service providers, or a specific industry, a directory can serve as a valuable resource for your audience.

Think of a paid directory as a sort of Yellow Pages specific to your niche. Companies or individuals pay for a spot in your directory to gain exposure to your audience.

If you run a wedding planning website, a directory of photographers, florists, and caterers would be a valuable resource for your audience and a fantastic opportunity for businesses to gain visibility.

To set up a directory on a WordPress site, plugins like Business Directory Plugin or Connections Business Directory can do the trick.

A successful paid directory depends on two things: a comprehensive and quality list of businesses, and an audience that finds it valuable.

So, ensure your directory is user-friendly, well-organized, and well-promoted to your audience.

24. Offer access to an exclusive forum

Online forums can serve as bustling communities where your website’s audience can connect, share ideas, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions.

If you’ve nurtured such a community, providing access to an exclusive forum can be an attractive monetization strategy.

A premium forum can offer several benefits to your audience such as access to exclusive content, direct answers from experts, a closer-knit community, and the ability to influence the topics discussed.

Meanwhile, you generate revenue through subscription fees.

Setting up a forum doesn’t have to be a tech-heavy task either. Tools like bbPress can provide the infrastructure needed for you to host a forum on your WordPress website.


And you can manage the subscription component using SureMembers, of course.

Remember, the success of a premium forum largely depends on active participation and high-quality discussion.

Ensuring that your forum offers value that’s worth the subscription fee and has an active and engaged community will be your top priorities.

Choosing the right monetization strategy: What you need to consider

Deciding on a monetization strategy is no small task, as the right choice can significantly impact your website’s revenue and overall success.

Here are some factors you should consider when deciding on the best monetization strategy for your website.

Understand your audience

Just as we mentioned at the beginning of this article, the first step is understanding your audience.

What are their interests? What problems are they trying to solve?

Answering these questions can help you determine which monetization strategies would provide the most value to your audience and therefore, be the most profitable.

For example, if your audience is mostly professionals seeking career advice, offering online courses or career coaching services might be a profitable strategy.

Analyze your content

Your content plays a significant role in determining your monetization strategy. If you run a blog that attracts a lot of traffic, display advertising, affiliate marketing, or sponsored posts might be the way to go.

But if you produce high-quality videos or podcasts, a membership or subscription service could be a viable option.

Evaluate your resources

Different monetization strategies require different resources. Do you have the time and skills needed to create and sell online courses? Do you have the resources to ship physical products?

Think about the resources you have at your disposal before choosing a monetization strategy.

Monitor your competitors

Look at websites similar to yours. How are they monetizing their sites?

While you don’t have to copy their strategy, you can gain insights into what might work for your own website in your given niche.

Unlocking the potential of website monetization

We’ve journeyed through quite a spectrum of website monetization strategies, haven’t we?

From affiliate marketing to creating job boards, there’s truly a world of opportunities out there to turn your website into a money-making machine.

Let’s revisit the key takeaways from this guide:

  • Understand your audience: The secret sauce to any monetization strategy lies in understanding your audience’s needs, interests, and problems. Your website monetization method should provide value to your audience.
  • Experiment with various strategies: Monetization is highly varied and what works for one website may not work for another. Don’t be afraid to test out different methods, analyze their performance, and refine your strategy accordingly.
  • Leverage your content: Your content is a significant driver in your monetization efforts. Whether it’s engaging blog posts, a bustling forum, or a fantastic digital product, utilize your content to its maximum potential.
  • Stay patient and persistent: Monetizing a website is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time, patience, and continuous optimization. Keep grinding, and the results will follow.

And finally, don’t forget that SureMembers can be a valuable ally in your website monetization journey.

Whether you’re selling online courses, offering premium content, or building a membership site, SureMembers can provide the tools and features you need to create a seamless and engaging user experience.

With the right tools and determination, there’s no limit to how much you can earn from your website.

So, go ahead and take that first step. Your monetization journey starts now!

Disclosure: This blog may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, we may receive a small commission. Read disclosure. Rest assured that we only recommend products that we have personally used and believe will add value to our readers. Thanks for your support!

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