June 26, 2024

SureMembers 1.10.3: Downloads Functionality Enhanced!

We’re pleased to announce SureMembers 1.10.3, addressing crucial enhancements for a smoother user experience!

Key Improvements:

  • Seamless Downloads Access: We’ve resolved a pagination issue that prevented all uploaded media files from appearing in the downloads section. Now you can effortlessly access your complete library of downloadable content.
  • Enhanced Restriction Logic: We’ve fine-tuned the redirect functionality, ensuring a seamless experience for non-logged-in users attempting to access restricted download files. They will now be redirected and presented with a clear restriction message.

Update now and experience these improvements!


  • Fix: In downloads section, all of the uploaded media files were not getting displayed due to pagination issue.
  • Fix: Fixed the logic to redirect and display the restriction message when the download file is viewed in non-logged in view.
May 3, 2024

SureMembers 1.10.2


  • Improvement: Corrected the UI issue with the files selected in the downloads section in Access Group.


  • Fix: The restricted message template was not getting displayed properly for the custom post type designed using Astra’s Site Builder.
  • Fix: The drip content restriction feature was not working with user role sync setting.
  • Fix: Corrected the color picker display and alignment issue which was restricting to select the correct color in login customizer tab.
Team SureMembers
April 15, 2024

SureMembers 1.10.1


  • Improvement: Corrected the UI issue with the files selected in the downloads section in Access Group.


  • Fix: The restricted message template was not getting displayed properly for the custom post type designed using Astra’s Site Builder.
  • Fix: The drip content restriction feature was not working with user role sync setting.
  • Fix: Corrected the color picker display and alignment issue which was restricting to select the correct color in login customizer tab.
Team SureMembers
March 21, 2024

SureMembers 1.10: User Importing & New Email Sending System

Introducing two new features to SureMembers with this release.

User Importing

First new features, user importing. With user importing you will be able to easily migrate from other membership solutions with ease. We provide a sample CSV file for you to add your new members to, and then import.

We put a lot of effort into building this the right way with proper validation and feedback on any errors.

Email Sending System

We have a big vision for SureMembers and an essential component to get there is adding an email sending system that we can expand upon when certan events are triggerd.

This initial release will introduce 3 new emails that can be sent.

  • Reset Password Email: This will override the native email that WordPress sends, giving you complete control over what is sent
  • New User Onboarding Email: This email will be sent when a new user is registered or added in some way, to your website
  • Access Granted Email: This email is sent when a user is added to a new access group

For each of these email you can customize the text and add any number of tokens inside the email.

For example, the access granted email, you can include the date that the access will expire for memberships that have a fixed legnth.

As we introduce new features to SureMembers, we will also be adding more email templates.

✨ New:

  • New: Introduced the email notification feature for access groups.
  • New: Introduced the import users feature via CSV file.
Team SureMembers
March 5, 2024

Version 1.9.4

The main focus of this release is to fix a few reported compatibility issues that have been reported.

We were going to include these compatibility fixes with an upcoming release that will bring two new features: Email Notification System and User Importing, which will make it easy to migrate from other membership systems.

But we needed a little more time to polish up these two new features and didn’t want to delay these compatibility fixes.

In the coming days, we will have another release with these two new features as we work towards our roadmap.


  • New: Showing the group ID on the access group list page for ease of use for users.


  • Fix: Fixed the conflict between SureMembers and LatePoint plugins.
  • Fix: The single LearnDash courses were not getting restricted on the basis of rules selected.
  • Fix: Fixed array_search function called with an invalid argument.
  • Fix: Blog page was not getting restricted when it was set as post page
  • Fix: Show password button was not working in the mobile views.
Team SureMembers
December 14, 2023

Exciting Plans For 2024

Two days ago a customer in our Facebook Group asked about what we have planned for SureMembers.

I asked them to give me a day to formalize the plans, so I could share them.

Like anything, these are our plans, and sometimes things can happen to delay or change plans, but this is what we are going to be working on in 2024. If something is a few weeks or even a month behind, it’s just how it goes sometimes.

But first, let me share our plans for a sister product, Presto Player, because these two products will become the perfect pair.

Presto Player 2024 Plans

Next year we will be rebranding Presto Player and bringing it into the Sure family of products.

In 2024, we aim to have 4 major feature releases that will get us closer to our long term plans for Presto Player.

Release 1: Instant video/playlist pages

Currently, when you create a video in the media hub, you then place it on a page or post.

Following the huge success of Instant Checkout Pages in SureCart, we are bringing the same concept into Presto Player to make it quick and easy to build gorgeous video pages and playlist pages in an instant.

Instant video/playlist pages will lay the foundation for structured online courses and e-learning applications within the Sure family of products.

Release 2: SureMembers & SureCart integration, Pay Per View

We have long wanted to offer protected videos as part of a membership program, online course, or just pay per video.

We will be building a deep integration with SureCart and SureMembers that will unlock powerful ways to monetize your video content.

Protect and sell access to these instant video pages and instant playlist pages.

Release 3: Viewer/student profile pages

Presto Player already tracks your viewers. We just never built an interface to display what they are watching and for how long.

We will build it in a modular way that will integrate with SureMembers so that you can have comprehensive member profile pages.

Release 4: Overall improvements and polish

We will take this last release cycle to make overall improvements and address user requests.

SureMembers 2024 Plans

In 2024, we aim to have 4 major feature releases that will get us closer to our long term plans for SureMembers.

Release 1: Email notification system, user import, onboarding

Most of the development of these features is already done. Email notifications will lay the groundwork for the next release.

Release 2: Integration with Presto Player

We will enable SureMembers to protect instant video pages and instant playlist pages, as well as individual videos in a playlist.

This will enable you to create structured online courses.

Release 3: Roadmaps

Roadmaps is a new feature aimed at solving a problem with all membership plugins and websites.

It aims to answer the question in your members mind: What should I be doing on this membership website?

As the site owner, you will create Roadmaps for your members. A Roadmap is a series of steps your members should go through as part of your membership.

Steps can be:

  • Visit page on your website
  • Watch a video or a video playlist created by Presto Player
  • Take a quiz created in SureForms
  • Click on a link
  • Book a meeting in LatePoint
  • Download a file
  • Take some action

With Roadmaps you will be able to create adaptive learning programs for your members.

It’s perfect for online training programs, coaching programs, really use case.

We think it’s the future of online learning for WordPress websites.

Release 4: Overall improvements and polish

We will take this last release cycle to make overall improvements and address user requests.

Wrap Up

So here you have it, our plans for 2024.

Hope you can appreciate the transparency and we hope you are excited for an amazing 2024.

Team SureMembers
December 14, 2023

Version 1.9.3

The main focus of this release is to make it easy for 3rd party plugins to integrate with SureMembers.

Special thanks to Jack at WPFusion for adding the first integration. If you are not familiar with WPFusion, it is a very unique plugin that enables your plugins to interconnect based on CRM tags.


  • New: Introduced new hooks to add extra meta-boxes to support third-party plugins.


  • Improvement: Updated the license library to it’s latest version.


  • Fix: Resolved an issue where an empty value was causing errors in the strpos function.
  • Fix: Addressed a problem with the opening position of the date-picker for the Expiration date option.
  • Fix: Fixed the access expiration issue when the access is set to expire on the relative OR specific expiration dates.
  • Fix: Access restriction was not working on the basis of URL conditions.
Team SureMembers
October 9, 2023

Version 1.9.2

This is a minor point release.

🐞 Fixes:

  • Fix: Fixed the login customizer redirect issue for showing 404 page in some cases.
Team SureMembers
September 5, 2023

Version 1.9.0

Introducing the ability to customize the login URL. This has been requested here in the past.

It’s super easy to set the URL to what you want.

Also, as part of this release, we have changed the settings panel name from Login Styler to Login Customizer.

✨ New:

  • Feature: Easily change the URL of the WP login form page.

👊 Improvements:

  • Improvement: Added support for threaded access groups logic when using BuddyBoss components restriction with SureMembers.
  • Improvement: Added a new filter to control featured image display for restricted posts.

Version 1.9.1

September 19, 2023

This is a minor point release to add compatibility with Gravity Forms.

👊 Improvements:

  • Improvement: Added compatibility for adding access groups to users when registered via Gravity Forms.

🐞 Fixes:

  • Fix: Fixed the issue that prevented clearing selected access groups on the WooCommerce product edit screen.
  • Fix: Fixed JS error that occurred when selecting a specific date in the drip date.
  • Fix: Updated BuddyBoss integration file load logic for better compatibility.
See More
Team SureMembers
August 18, 2023

Version 1.8.1

This update focuses on solving some reported issues but also includes some nice improvements our users have been asking for.

When you have an access group set to have a expiration date, there may be cases where you want to manually override the expiration for certain members. Now you can easily accomplish this.

👊 Improvements:

  • Improvement: Optimized error layout and resolved BuddyBoss Theme issues in Login Popup.
  • Improvement: Added the ability to set expiration settings based on users directly from the profile page.
  • Improvement: Removed licensing popup and added licensing using API on the admin page.

🐞 Fixes:

  • Fix: Restricted the usage of special characters when creating, updating, and deleting user accounts.
  • Fix: Alert now appears when attempting to save a particular date and expiration date.
  • Fix: Unauthorized Access Button URL strips all content from non-English URLs.
  • Fix: Eliminate inactive or deleted access groups from the users list.
  • Fix: Modal Content not visible properly on restricted pages.